\textbf{On the arithmetic of operations and cooperations in elliptic
by Imma G\'{a}lvez i Carrillo (London Metropolitan University)
(joint work in progress with Sarah Whitehouse (University of
Sheffield)\medskip \medskip
\strut In this talk, we want to report on our current project with Sarah
Whitehouse \cite{gw} on (co)operations in elliptic cohomology. In recent
work \cite{ccw},\cite{ccw2}, she and her coworkers have succeeded in giving
explicit bases for cooperations and operations in $p$-local $K$-theory.
(Co)operations in elliptic cohomology have been studied (see e.g. \cite
{baker95}a.o.,\cite{ando},\cite{cj},\cite{tan} for many important results).
In both theories, cooperations have a very nice description as elements
satisfying certain integrality conditions inside bigger rational rings. In
the case of $K$-theory, (stably)numerical polynomials appear, and in \cite
{ccw} the authors were able to use Gaussian polynomials to obtain the
desired basis out of the integrality conditions. In the elliptic case, the
works above quoted have determined that the ring of cooperations is some
kind of divided congruences ring in the spirit of \cite{katz}. We will
discuss the situation in the elliptic cohomology case and see how far the
analogy with the $K$-theory case can go.
For doing so, we will take advantage of what general theory for
(co)operations in generalized cohomology theories as described e.g. in \cite
{bmn71} and \cite{bn71} has to say about it. We focus in level 1 elliptic
cohomology theory (eventually made periodic) for the sake of simplicity, but
we hope to hint towards more general settings, as topological modular forms (%
\cite{h}) when possible.
In the case of $p$-local $K$-theory, Adams operations give us everything (%
\cite{ccw2}). In the elliptic case, we have not only Adams operations, but
at least also Hecke operations (\cite{baker90}a.o.). Both Adams and Hecke
operations correspond to well known families of operators on modular forms,
that is, the coefficients of our theories. Explicit relations between the $p$%
-local elliptic version of Adams operations and classical polynomials from
the theory of modular forms appear hence naturally, as do Dirichlet series
associated to families of Adams and Hecke operations, and to the logarithm
of the formal group law involved, in the line of \cite{ls87}.
We may then go ahead on this way and take advantage of the fact that our
orientation classes are meromorphic Jacobi forms (\cite{ez85}). Roughly
speaking, Jacobi forms are functions of two complex variables who transform
like modular forms in the first one and like theta functions in the second.
We will see how the definitions of Adams and Hecke operations on the
orientation classes give us back essentially the classical operators in the
theory of Jacobi forms as they appear in (\cite{ez85},\cite{b92}). We will
see for instance how some of Borcherds product formulae show up in this
context. This takes us to consider the r\^{o}le of differential operators in
this picture, as and the Halphen-Fricke and Ramanujan \cite{g2003} and the
ones in \cite{gt}.
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