Dr. Antonio Viruel
D. Álgebra, Geometría y Topología
Campus de Teatinos, Universidad de Málaga
29071 Málaga
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Homotopy Uniqueness of BPU(3)

C. Broto and A. Viruel
Proc. of Symposia in Pure Maths. 63 (1998), 85-93.

This paper has been cited by the following manuscripts (the title of the paper links to the manuscript):

[1] K. Andersen, "The normalizer splitting conjecture for $p$-compact groups", Algebraic topology (Kazimierz Dolny, 1997),  Fund. Math. 161 (1999), 1-16.
Reference [5]
[2] K. Andersen, J. Grodal, J.M. Møller, and A. Viruel,"The classification of p-compact groups for p odd", Annals of Math. 167 (2008), 95–210.
Reference [24]
[3] C. Broto, and A. Viruel, "Projective unitary groups are totally N-determined p-compact groups", Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 136 (2004), 75-88.
Reference [2]
[4] K. Ishiguro, "Pairings of p-compact groups and H-structures on the classifying spaces of finite loop spaces", Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 34 (1998),  567-578.
Reference [2]
[5] D. Notbohm, "For which pseudo-reflection groups are the p-adic polynomial invariants again a polynomial algebra?", J. Algebra 214 (1999), 553-570.
Reference [5]
[6] D. Notbohm, "A uniqueness result for orthogonal groups as 2-compact groups", Arch. Math. (Basel) 78 (2002), 110-119.
Reference [3]
[7] Jesper M. Møller, "N-determined p-compact groups", Fund. Math. 173 (2002), 201-300.
Reference [16]
A. Vavpetic, and A. Viruel, "On the mod p cohomology of BPU(p)", Transactions AMS 357 (2005), 4517-4532.
Reference [7]

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