Dr. Antonio Viruel
D. Álgebra, Geometría y Topología
Campus de Teatinos, Universidad de Málaga
29071 Málaga
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Here you have the page dedicated to my mathematical research. It is divided in four sections: Research Interest, Publications, Theses, Preprints and Work in Progress. You may find interesting to take a look to my author profile at these sites:

Research Interest:

I am what people call an algebraic topologist. My research is focus on the interactions between Group Theory and Homotopy Theory, and it follows different lines:

Homotopy theory of loop spaces: By homotopy theory of loop spaces I mean "homotopy group theory", "p-compact groups", or "p-local finite groups", and related stuff as cohomology of groups. This implies that sometimes I have to work with honest groups. I develop this research as part of the Barcelona Algebraic Topology Group.

Homotopy invariants and self homotopy equivalences: This is a more classical branch of Algebraic Topology in which I am also interested. My research is nowadays mainly focus in understanding the group of self homotopy equivalences of a space. This research is developed jointly with Cristina Costoya as part of the Xunta de Galicia research project "Representación Homotópica de Grupos" (EM2013/016).

All these approaches to Homotopy Theory are included in:

I am a proud member of the following mathematical research networks:


These are my publications by inverse chronological order. For each publication, the following links may be available:

[33] "Smooth torus actions are described by a single vector field", to appear in Rev. Mat. Iberoam.
F.J. Tiruel, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[32] "Fine gradings on e6", Publicacions Matemàtiques 60 (2016), 113-170.
C. Draper, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[31] "On Thompson's p-complement theorems for saturated fusion systems", Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 55 (2015), 617-626.
J. González-Sánchez, A. Ruiz, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[30] "Rational homotopy theory for computing colorability of simplicial complexes", Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 26 (2015), 207-212.
C. Costoya, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[29] "Faithful actions on Commutative Differential Graded Algebras and the Group Isomorphism Problem", The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 65 (2014), 857-867
C. Costoya, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[28] "Every finite group is the group of self homotopy equivalences of an elliptic space", Acta Mathematica 213 (2014), 49-62.
C. Costoya, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[27] "Nilpotent p-local finite groups", Arkiv för Matematik 52 (2014), 203-225.
J. Cantarero, J. Scherer, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[26] "Finite C-actions are described by a single vector field", Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 30 (2014), 317-330.
F.J. Turiel, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[25] "Cohomological uniqueness of some p-groups", Proc. of the Edinburgh Math. Soc. 56 (2013), 449-468.
A. Díaz, A. Ruiz, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[24] "Cohomological uniqueness, Massey products and the modular isomorphism problem for 2-groups of maximal nilpotency class", Transactions AMS. 365 (2013), 3729-3751.
A. Ruiz, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Preprint-UAB] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[23] "Inductive LS cocategory and localisation", Manuscripta Mathematica 140 (2013), 295-302.
C. Costoya, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[22] "Nilpotency of self homotopy equivalences with coefficients", Annales de l'Institut Fourier 61 (2011), 351-364.
M. Cuvillez, A. Murillo, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[21] "Fine Gradings on the Lie algebra d4", Forum Mathematicum 22 (2010), 863-877.
C. Draper, C. Martín, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[20] "On the homotopy type of the non-completed classifying space of a p-local finite group", Forum Mathematicum 21 (2009), 723-757.
A. Libman, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Benson] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[19] "Group gradings on o(8,C)", Reports on Mathematical Physics 61 (2008), 263-278.
C. Draper, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[18] "The classification of p-compact groups for p odd", Annals of Math. 167 (2008), 95-210.
K. Andersen, J. Grodal, J.M. Møller, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[17] "The group of self homotopy equivalences of some localized aspherical complexes", Math. Nach. 281 (2008), 214-218.
A. Garvín, A. Murillo, J. Remedios, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[16] "All p-local finite groups of rank 2, p odd", Transactions AMS 359 (2007), 1725-1764.
A. Díaz, A. Ruiz, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[15] "Simplectic groups are N-determined 2-compact groups", Fundamenta Math. 192 (2006) , 121-139.
A. Vavpetic, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[14] "Non simple localization of finite simple groups", J. of Algebra 305 (2006), 765-774.
J.L. Rodríguez, J. Scherer, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
"On the mod p cohomology of BPU(p)", Transactions AMS 357 (2005), 4517-4532.
A. Vavpetic, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Hopf] [Cited by] [DJVU]
"Preservation of perfectness and acyclicity: Berrick's and Casacuberta's universal acyclic space localized at a set of primes", Forum Mathematicum 17 (2005), 67-75.
J.L. Rodríguez, J. Scherer, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Arxiv] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[11] "The classification of p-local finite groups over the extraspecial group of order p3 and exponent p", Math. Z. 248 (2004), 45-65.
A. Ruiz, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Hopf] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[10] "Projective unitary groups are totally N-determined p-compact groups", Math. Proceedings of Cambridge Philos. Society 136 (2004), 75-88.
C. Broto, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[9] "On the Homotopy type of the Classifying Space of the Exceptional Lie Group F4", Manuscripta Math. 107 (2002), 521-540.
A. Vavpetic, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Hopf] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[8] "Mod 3 homotopy uniqueness of BF4", J. Math. Kyoto University 41 (2001), 769-793.
A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[7] "Lusternik-Schnirelmann cocategory: A Whitehead dual approach", Cohomological Methods in Homotopy Theory, Progress in Math. 196, Birkhäuser Verlag (2001), 323-347.
A. Murillo, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[6] "Nilpotency and localization of groups of fibre homotopy equivalences", Contemp. Math. 274 (2001), 145-157.
A. Garvín, A. Murillo, P. Pavešic, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[5] "E8 is a totally N-determined 5-compact group", Contemp. Math. 265 (2000), 223-231.
A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[4] "On the mod 3 homotopy type of the classifying space of a central product of SU(3)'s", J. Math. Kyoto University 39 (1999), 249-275.
A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[3] "An extension of Miller's version of the De Rham theorem with any coefficients", Homotopy and Geometry, Banach Center Pub. 45 (1998), 169-176.
A. Garvín, L. Lechuga, A. Murillo, V. Muñoz, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[2] "Homotopy Uniqueness of BG2", Manuscripta Math. 95 (1998), 471-497.
A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Preprint-Benson] [Cited by] [DJVU]
[1] "Homotopy Uniqueness of BPU(3)", Proc. of Symposia in Pure Maths. 63 (1998), 85-93.
C. Broto, and A. Viruel.
[MathSciNet MR] [ZMath] [Article] [Cited by] [DJVU]



These are the two (Master and PhD) theses I have written in chronological order. Someone may find something useful in them:

[1] "La categoría de Lusternik-Schnirelmann" (under the supervision of A. Murillo), Master Thesis 1992.
[2] "Homotopy uniqueness of classifying spaces of compact Lie groups" (under the supervision of C. Broto), PhD. Thesis 1996.



By chronogical order of preparation:


Work in Progress:

Some stuff that should be finished soon (or not):


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