New Insights in Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category

NIL'S 2012

February 17-19, 2012, Santiago de Compostela, Spain






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    The following is a list of the title and abstracts provided by the speakers. Mathematics on this page is rendered by MathJax.

New versions of tangential LS category for foliated spaces
Jesús Álvarez
Abstract: Many variants of the LS category has been given; in particular, E. Macías and H. Colman introduced a tangential version for foliations, where they used leafwise contractions to transversals.  In this talk, new versions of the tangential LS category are introduced: the measurable category, the measurable -category, the topological -category, the secondary -category, the dynamical category, and the secondary dynamical  category. They will be computed in examples, and some versions of the classical theorems about LS category will be shown, as well as some new theorems special of the foliated setting.

A notion of LS-category internal to the category of orbifolds
Hellen Colman

Abstract: Classically, an orbifold is defined as a topological space equipped with an orbifold structure given by an equivalence class of orbifold atlases. From a modern point of view, these atlases and equivalence classes are described in terms of topological groupoids and Morita equivalences. We show that there is a Quillen model structure on the category of orbifolds considered as topological groupoids, and discuss the abstract notion of LS-category derived from this model. This is joint work with Cristina Costoya.

Proper Lusternik-Schnirelmann category via exterior spaces
José Manuel García Calcines

Abstract: We establish Whitehead and Ganea characterizations for proper L-S category. For that, we use a certain embedding of the proper category into an auxiliary category (exterior spaces), and construct in the latter a suitable closed model structure of Strøm type. Then, from the axiomatic LS-category arising from the exterior homotopy category we can recover the corresponding proper LS invariants. Some applications are given: The characterization of proper co-H-spaces, and an analysis of the Ganea Conjecture in the proper setting. This is a joint work with P.R. García Díaz (Universidad de La Laguna) and Aniceto Murillo Mas (Universidad de Málaga).

On the equivariant systolic category
 Norio Iwase

Abstract: To resolve the systolic freedom phenomena on a product of non-orientable manifolds, we introduce an equivariant version of a systolic category. In particular, we stabilize the mass on the twisted integral homology to eliminate the systolic freedom. For the stable mass, there is a stable isosystolic inequality induced from the cup-products as Gromov and Bangert-Katz showed. This implies that the systolic freedom from the product with a non-orientable manifold is actually eliminated by the stabilization process. As a corollary, it is shown that the twisted real cup-length gives a lower bound of the twisted stable systolic category.

Abstract LS-invariants
Thomas Kahl

Abstract: In this talk, I will present some possibilities to define LS-category in the context of abstract homotopy theory. I will consider two different abstract frameworks, namely J-categories in the sense of Doeraene and monoidal cofibration categories, i.e., cofibration categories with a suitably incorporated tensor product. The fundamental properties of the LS-category can be established in the abstract setting. Besides the topological LS-category, the abstract concepts cover classical algebraic approximations of the LS-category such as rational category, the Toomer invariant, and the A- and M-categories of Halperin and Lemaire.

Bott-Morse theory and LS category of Lie groups
Quique Macías

Abstract: We study the critical set of an arbitrary height function in a Lie group as a tool to compute its Lusternik-Schnirelmann category. In particular we prove that the gradient flow can be integrated by using the Cayley transform. The latter also serves to obtain explicit categorical coverings associated to eigenvalues, thus simplifying several known proofs. Finally we show how to extend our results to symmetric spaces. This is a joint work with M.J. Pereira-Sáez (University of A Coruña).

Rational sectional category of  certain fibrations and applications to topological robotics
Aniceto Murillo

Abstract: The topological complexity of a configuration space associated to a motion planning of a given mechanical system can be thought of as the minimum amount of instructions of any algorithm governing the motion. From a homotopy point of view, this is the Lusternik-Schnirelmann sectional category of the diagonal map on the given configuration space. We describe in purely algebraic terms the topological complexity of a nilpotent rational space and present several applications of this description. A similar approach involving the so called reduced topological complexity will also be presented.

Topological complexity of H-spaces
Jérôme Scherer

Abstract: This is an outsider's talk about recent results obtained in collaboration with Greg Lupton. We notice that the equality which is well-known for topological groups holds as well for arbitrary connected H-spaces. It generalizes to Rudyak's higher analogues of topological complexity. In the second part of the talk I will try to present a few open problems.

On the topological complexity and the L.-S. category of the cofibre of
the diagonal map
Lucile Vandembroucq

Abstract: The topological complexity of a space has been introduced by M. Farber in order to give a measure of the complexity of the motion planning problem in robotics. This invariant is, by its definition, closely related to the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category. By analogy to the notion of weak (LS) category, we define the "weak topological complexity". This invariant is a new lower bound for the topological complexity and turns out to be equal to the weak category of the homotopy cofibre of the diagonal map. As a consequence one wonders whether the equality also holds in the "non-weak" case. We therefore analyse the relationship between the topological complexity and the category of the homotopy cofibre of the diagonal map and establish the equality for several classes of spaces including the H-spaces and the projective spaces. This is joint work with J.M. García Calcines.