Investigación |
Estoy interesado en Geometría Semi-Riemanniana, especialmente en la Geometría de Lorentz. Mi principal interés es geométrico, pero me gustan sus aplicaciones a la Relatividad General y a la Óptica.
Las publicaciones que siguen están en orden cronológico inverso. Progresivamente iré poniendo enlaces a los artículos escaneados, en algunos casos, o en formatos usuales tipo Tex, Dvi o Pdf. También iré poniendo recensiones en MR o en ZM en formato Pdf cuando pueda.
24. Cyriaque Atindogbe,
Manuel Gutiérrez and Raymond Hounnonkpe. Lorentzian manifolds with
causal Killing vector fields: causality and geodesic
connectedness. Annali
Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 199 (2020) 1895-1908. [2020AMPA].
23. M.
Gutiérrez and B. Olea.Conditions on a null hypersurface of a
Lorentzian manifold to be a null cone. Journal
of Geometry and Physics, 145
(2019) 103469. [2019JGP].
22. Cyriaque Atindogbe, Manuel Gutiérrez and Raymond
Hounnonkpe. Functions of time type, curvature and causality.
and its
(2019) 114-124. [2019DGA].
21. M.
and B. Olea. Lower bound of null injectivity radius without
curvature assuption in a family of null cones.
Global Analysis and Geometry, 56 (2019) 507-518. [2019AGAG].
20. Cyriaque Atindogbe,
Manuel Gutiérrez and Raymond Hounnonkpe. Correction to: New
properties on normalized null hypersurfaces. Mediterr. J. Math.
(2018) 15:166. [2018MJMb].
19. Cyriaque Atindogbe,
Manuel Gutiérrez and Raymond Hounnonkpe. New properties on normalized
null hypersurfaces. Mediterr. J. Math. (2018) 15:166. [2018MJMa].
18. M. Gutiérrez and B. Olea. Induced Riemannian structures on null hypersurfaces. Mathematische Narischten. 289, (2016) 1219-1236. [2016MN.pdf]. DOI 10.1002/mana.201400355
17.M. Gutiérrez and Olaf Müller, Compact Lorentzian holonomy. Differential Geometry and its Applications, 48 (2016) 11-22. [2016DGA.pdf].
16. M. Gutiérrez and B. Olea. Totally umbilic null hypersurfaces in generalized Robertson–Walker spaces. Differential Geometry and its Applications, 42 (2015) 15-30. [2015DGA.pdf].
15. M. A. Cañadas-Pinedo, M. Gutiérrez and M. Ortega. Massless particles in generalized Robertson–Walker 4-spacetimes. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 194 (2015) 259–273. [2015AMPA.pdf]
14. M. Gutiérrez and B. Olea. Semi-Riemannian manifolds with a double warped structure. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, 28, (2012) 1-24. [2012RMI.pdf]
13. M. Gutiérrez and B. Olea. Uniqueness of static decomposition. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 39, (2011) 13-26. [2011AGAG.pdf]
12. M. A. Cañadas-Pinedo, A. Díaz, M. Gutiérrez and B. Olea. Curvature and conjugate points in Lorentz symmetric spaces. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry,. 37, (2010) 91-101. [2010AGAG.pdf]
11. M. Gutiérrez. Equivalence of Cauchy singular boundary and b-boundary in O(3)-reducible space-times. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 59, (2009) 1196-1198. [2009JGP.pdf]
10. M. Gutiérrez and B. Olea. Global decomposition of a Lorentzian manifold as a Generalized Robertson-Walker space. Differential Geometry and its Applications, 27, (2009) 146-156. [2009DGA.pdf]
9. M. Gutiérrez, F. J. Palomo and A. Romero. Lorentzian Manifolds with no Null Conjugate Points. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 137 (2004) 363-375. [2004MPCPS.pdf] [2004MPCPS.tex]
8. M. Gutiérrez. Lorentz Geometry Technique in Nonimaging Optics. (Wilmington, NC, 2002). Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 2003, Suppl. 386-392. [2003DCDS.pdf]
7. M. Gutiérrez, F. J. Palomo and A. Romero. Erratum to “A Berger-Green type inequality for compact Lorentzian manifolds. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354, (2002) 4505-4523.” Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 355, (2003) 5119-5120. [2003TAMS.pdf] [2003TAMS.tex]).
6. M. Gutiérrez, F. J. Palomo and A. Romero. A Berger-Green type inequality for compact Lorentzian manifolds. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354, (2002) 4505-4523. [2002TAMS.pdf] [2002TAMS.tex].
5. A. M. Amores, and M. Gutiérrez. Construction of examples of b-completions. Nonlinear Analysis, 47 (2001) 2959-2970. [2001NA.pdf] [2001NA.tex] (Para ver una versión de artículo con más detalles. [2001NAConDem.pdf] [2001NAConDem.tex]).
4. A. M. Amores, and M. Gutiérrez. The b-completion of the Friedmann space. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 29 (1999) 177-197. [1999JGP.pdf] [MathRew.pdf].
3. M. Gutiérrez, J. C. Miñano, C. Vega, P. Benítez. Application of Lorentz geometry to nonimaging optics: new 3D ideal concentrators. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 13 (3), (1996) 532-540. [1996JOSA_A.pdf] [MathRew.pdf]
2. A. M. Amores and M. Gutiérrez. Singularities of invariant connections. General Relativity and Gravitation, 24 (12), (1992) 1235-1253. [1992GRG.pdf] [MathRew.pdf].
1. E. Aguirre and M. Gutiérrez. On the topology of stable causality. General Relativity and Gravitation, 21 (1),(1989) 45-59. [1989GRG.pdf] [MathRew.pdf].
11. M. Gutiérrez. Semi-Riemannian approach to nonimaging optics. International Congress on Pure and Applied Diferential Geometry, PADGE 2007. Bruselas, Bélgica, Abril 2007. Dillen F. and Van de Woestyne I. Eds. Shaker Verlag, 2007, 132-139.
10. M. Gutiérrez and B. Olea. Isometric decomposition of a manifold. II International congress on Lorentzian Geometry, Murcia 2003. Publicaciones de la RSME, 8 (2004) 83-88.
9. M. Gutiérrez, F. J. Palomo and A. Romero. A New Approach to the Study of Conjugate Points along Null Geodesics on Certain Compact Lorentzian Manifolds. Proceeding of Lorentzian Geometry, Benalmádena 2001, Publicaciones de la RSME, 5 (2003) 171-182. [2003RSMEVol5.pdf] [2003RSMEVol5.tex]
8. M. Gutiérrez, F. J. Palomo and A. Romero. Conjugate points along null geodesics without null conjugate points. Proceedings of the X fall workshop on Geometry and Physics. Miraflores de la Sierra. Madrid 2001. Publicaciones de la RSME, 4 (2003) 169-182. [2003RSMEVol4.pdf] [2003RSMEVol4.tex]
7. M. Gutiérrez. A geometric approach to nonimaging optics. The fourth International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations. Wilmington, Carolina del Norte, E.E.U.U. Mayo 2002.
6. A. M. Amores and M. Gutiérrez. Construction of examples of b-completion. IIIrd World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts. Catania, Sicilia, Italia, Julio 2000.
5. M. Gutiérrez, J.C. Miñano, C. Vega, P. Benítez. Application of Lorentz geometry to nonimaging optics: new 3D ideal concentrators. Nonimaging optics: Maximum Efficiency Light Transfer III, part of SPIE's 1995 International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation. San Diego. California. E.E.U.U. Julio 1995.
4. A. M. Amores, y M. Gutiérrez. Conexiones invariantes en Grassmannianas. III Workshop de Otoño. Geometría diferencial y sus aplicaciones. Universidad de Granada. Granada. 1.994. [MathRew.pdf].
3. A. M. Amores y M. Gutiérrez. Singularidades de conexiones. Workshop de Otoño. Geometría diferencial y sus aplicaciones. C.S.I.C.-U.C.M. Madrid. 1.992.
2. M. Gutiérrez. Sobre la topología de la causalidad estable. Encuentros Relativistas Españoles. Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Islas Canarias. 1.987.
1. M. Gutiérrez. Causalidad en Espaciotiempos. Encuentros Relativistas Españoles. Mahón. Islas Baleares. 1.985.